Winter Truffle

Winter Truffle: A Black Diamond of Winter Gastronomy

A rare and precious mushroom with an enchanting aroma and delicate taste, the winter truffle is enjoyed from December to March. Its firm texture and unique flavor of earth, hazelnut, and mushroom make it an exceptional dish.

Grated over fresh pasta, meat carpaccio, or risotto, it adds a touch of elegance and indulgence to every culinary creation.

A symbol of celebration and conviviality, the winter truffle season is an opportunity to savor this gastronomic treasure and celebrate local produce.

Our truffles are of French origin.

Several varieties are available, including:

  • The Truffle d’Alba
  • The Winter Black Truffle Melanosporum
  • The Black Truffle from Périgord

Winter truffles make their appearance on the tables of gastronomes from December to March. It is during this cool and humid period that these precious mushrooms reach their full maturity, thus developing their complex and intense aromas.

The white truffle from Alba is mainly available from October to December. Make sure to purchase it during this period to enjoy its maximum freshness.